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Alternative interventions to facilitate malaria elimination

It is now well-established that well-coordinated interventions are essential for malaria elimination, including integrated vector control management (with insecticide-treated bed nets and indoor residual spraying), reliable detection of cases, effective drugs for prevention and treatment, together with community involvement and enthusiasm to adhere to the interventions. After initial success, most programmes have reached stagnation, with progressive loss of earlier gains. The pressure needs to be kept full on, not only on policy-makers and sponsors to maintain and amplify the global effort in the long term, but also on the research community to continue developing new tools. Obviously, an effective vaccine (or vaccines) would be a powerful addition to the arsenal, and this is much needed, but vaccines have proven to be a difficult target to achieve. While waiting for the elusive vaccine, many have been looking for feasible alternatives and inventive new approaches adapted to specific situations or capable of solving specific problems. Such alternatives, big and small, have incremental value and in terms of elimination, every little helps. 

This Thematic series in Malaria Journal will collect published papers on innovative approaches and invite new contributions to stimulate further research.

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  1. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is a World Health Organization-recommended intervention for the prevention of malaria among children at high risk in areas with seasonal transmission. During the coronavi...

    Authors: Laura Donovan, Muhammad Shafique, Alexandra Wharton-Smith, Sol Richardson, Erica Viganò, Adama Traore, Cheick Compaoré, Narcisse Tounaikok, Beakgoube Honoré, Nodjiyam Dingamtel, Fantche Awokou, Essèboè Sewu, Gauthier Tougri, Mahamat Saleh Issakha Diar, Tinah Atcha-Oubou, Charlotte Ward…
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:255
  2. In endemic locations, asymptomatic malaria is a major contribution to the rise in clinical malaria. In order to achieve the goal of interrupting malaria transmission, control programmes should take into consid...

    Authors: Mabel Mbifung Kaghou, Theresia Njuabe Metoh, Chi Tchampo Fru, Shantine Berinyui, Maxim Bindamu, Achille Chi and Constant Anatole Pieme
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:243
  3. More than 95% of malaria transmission in Brazil occurs in the Legal Amazon Region, which in 2010 recorded around 333,429 cases reported in the Epidemiological Surveillance Information System-Malaria (Sivep_mal...

    Authors: Elaine Cristina de Oliveira, Emerson Soares dos Santos, Paulo Antonio Ferreira Junior, Marina Atanaka-Santos, Maria Clara Pereira Leite, Ana Cláudia Pereira Terças, Elba Regina Sampaio de Lemos and Cor Jesus Fernandes Fontes
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:234
  4. Microscopic detection of malaria parasites is labour-intensive, time-consuming, and expertise-demanding. Moreover, the slide interpretation is highly dependent on the staining technique and the technician’s ex...

    Authors: Muzamil M. Abdel Hamid, Abdelrahim O. Mohamed, Fayad O. Mohammed, Arwa Elaagip, Sayed A. Mustafa, Tarig Elfaki, Waleed M. A. Jebreel, Musab M. Albsheer, Sabine Dittrich, Ewurama D. A. Owusu and Seda Yerlikaya
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:200
  5. The recent reduction in malaria burden in Côte d’Ivoire is largely attributable to the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). However, this progress is threatened by insecticide resistance and behavior...

    Authors: Jean-Philippe B. Tia, Emile S. F. Tchicaya, Julien Z. B. Zahouli, Allassane F. Ouattara, Laura Vavassori, Jean-Baptiste Assamoi, Graham Small and Benjamin G. Koudou
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:168
  6. Health information systems (HIS) are a pivotal element in epidemiological surveillance. In Brazil, malaria persists as a public health challenge, with 99% of its occurrences concentrated in the Amazon region, ...

    Authors: Klauss Kleydmann Sabino Garcia, Sheila Rodrigues Rodovalho and André M. Siqueira
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:162
  7. This study aimed to assess the spatial distribution of Anopheles mosquito larval habitats and the environmental factors associated with them, as a prerequisite for the implementation of larviciding.

    Authors: Neil-Michel Longo-Pendy, Silas Lendzele Sevidzem, Boris Kevin Makanga, Saturnin Ndotit-Manguiengha, Stravensky Térence Boussougou-Sambe, Piazzy Obame Ondo Kutomy, Judicaël Obame-Nkoghe, Lynda-Chancelya Nkoghe-Nkoghe, Barclaye Ngossanga, Felicien Kassa Mvoubou, Christophe Roland Zinga Koumba, Ayôla Akim Adegnika, Abdul-Safiou Razack, Jacques François Mavoungou and Rodrigue Mintsa-Nguema
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:158
  8. Plasmodium falciparum malaria is a public health issue mostly seen in tropical countries. Until now, there is no effective malaria vaccine against antigens specific to the blood-stage of P. falciparum infection. ...

    Authors: Mahugnon L. Erasme Gbaguidi, Rafiou Adamou, Sofie Edslev, Anita Hansen, Nadia D. Domingo, Celia Dechavanne, Achille Massougbodji, André Garcia, Michael Theisen, Jacqueline Milet, Eduardo A. Donadi and David Courtin
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:154
  9. Vector control using insecticides is a key prevention strategy against malaria. Unfortunately, insecticide resistance in mosquitoes threatens all progress in malaria control. In the perspective of managing thi...

    Authors: Behi Kouadio Fodjo, Emile Tchicaya, Laurence Aya Yao, Constant Edi, Alassane Foungoye Ouattara, Loukou Bernard Kouassi, Firmain N’dri Yokoly and Koudou Guibéhi Benjamin
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:148
  10. Introduction: Malaria continues to be the leading cause of hospitalization and death in Angola, a country in sub- Saharan Africa. In 2023, in the first quarter, 2,744,682 cases were registered, and of these 2,...

    Authors: Euclides N. M. Sacomboio, Santo D. Zua, Adelino T. Tchivango, António D. Pululu, Adilson C. D. Caumba, Adelina B. M. Paciência, Danilson V. Sati, Sabina G. Agostinho, Yolanda S. Agostinho, Fernando G. Mazanga, Neusa B. Ntambo, Cruz S. Sebastião, Joana P. Paixão and Joana Morais
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:126
  11. The residual activity of a clothianidin + deltamethrin mixture and clothianidin alone in IRS covered more than the period of malaria transmission in northern Benin. The aim of this study was to show whether th...

    Authors: Esdras Mahoutin Odjo, Christian S. T. Akpodji, Armel Djènontin, Albert Sourou Salako, Gil Germain Padonou, Constantin Jésukèdè Adoha, Boulais Yovogan, Bruno Adjottin, Filémon T. Tokponnon, Razaki Osse, Clement Agbangla and Martin C. Akogbeto
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:119
  12. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is an effective intervention to prevent malaria in children in locations where the burden of malaria is high and transmission is seasonal. There is growing evidence sugge...

    Authors: Jamshed Khan, Maria Suau Sans, Francis Okot, Abubaker Rom Ayuiel, Jonathan Magoola, Christian Rassi, Sikai Huang, Denis Mubiru, Craig Bonnington, Kevin Baker, Julla Ahmed, Chuks Nnaji and Sol Richardson
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:33
  13. Asymptomatic malaria transmission has become a public health concern across malaria-endemic Africa including Ethiopia. Specifically, Plasmodium vivax is more efficient at transmitting earlier in the infection and...

    Authors: Gemechu Zeleke, Luc Duchateau, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Sultan Suleman and Mathias Devreese
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:26
  14. Chronic carriage of asymptomatic low-density Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia in the dry season may support maintenance of acquired immunity that protects against clinical malaria. However, the relationship bet...

    Authors: Balotin Fogang, Lionel Lellouche, Sukai Ceesay, Sainabou Drammeh, Fatou K. Jaiteh, Marc-Antoine Guery, Jordi Landier, Cynthia P. Haanappel, Janeri Froberg, David Conway, Umberto D’Alessandro, Teun Bousema and Antoine Claessens
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:22
  15. Progress toward malaria elimination is increasing as many countries near zero indigenous malaria cases. In settings nearing elimination, interventions will be most effective at interrupting transmission when t...

    Authors: Ebenezer Krampah Aidoo, Frank Twum Aboagye, George Edem Agginie, Felix Abekah Botchway, George Osei-Adjei, Michael Appiah, Ruth Duku Takyi, Samuel Asamoah Sakyi, Linda Amoah, George Arthur, Bernard Walter Lawson, Richard Harry Asmah, Paul Boateng, Otubea Ansah and Karen Angeliki Krogfelt
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2024 23:5
  16. Gene drive modified mosquitoes (GDMMs) have the potential to address Africa’s persistent malaria problem, but are still in early stages of development and testing. Continuous engagement of African stakeholders...

    Authors: Marceline F. Finda, Elijah O. Juma, Najat F. Kahamba, Rhosheen S. Mthawanji, Maganga Sambo, Basiliana Emidi, Susan Wiener, David O’Brochta, Michael Santos, Stephanie James and Fredros O. Okumu
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:384
  17. Water resource development projects are essential for increasing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security. However, these activities require the modification of pre-existing environmental settings,...

    Authors: Arega Tsegaye, Assalif Demissew, Dawit Hawaria, Ashenafi Abossie, Hallelujah Getachew, Kassahun Habtamu, Teshome Degefa, Xiaoming Wang, Ming-Chieh Lee, Guofa Zhou, Delenasaw Yewhalaw and Guiyun Yan
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:350
  18. Reducing mosquito abundance or interfering with its ability to support the parasite cycle can help to interrupt malaria in areas of significant risk of malaria transmission. Fluralaner is a safe and effective ...

    Authors: João Arthur Alcântara, Francys Sayara Andrade de Araújo, Andréia da Costa Paz, Rodrigo Maciel Alencar, Berta Yoná de Albuquerque Caldas, Raquel Soares Maia Godoy, Marcus Vinicius Guimarães Lacerda, Gisely Cardoso de Melo, Wuelton Marcelo Monteiro, Vanderson de Souza Sampaio, Nágila Francinete Costa Secundino, Ana Paula Marques Duarte, Rosa Amélia Gonçalves Santana and Paulo Filemon Paolucci Pimenta
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:337
  19. The efficacy of the autodissemination of pyriproxyfen to control malaria vectors has been demonstrated under semi field environment in Tanzania. However, the information on how best communities should be engag...

    Authors: Felista S. Tarimo, Angel Dillip, Efraim M. Kosia and Dickson W. Lwetoijera
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:333
  20. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is a common vector control strategy in countries with high malaria burden. Historically, social norms have prevented women from working in IRS programmes. The Bioko Island Malari...

    Authors: Kylie R. DeBoer, Liberato Motobe Vaz, Teresa Ayingono Ondo Mfumu, Jose Antonio Mba Nlang, Lucas Ondo, Matilde Riloha Rivas, Sandra Incardona, John Pollock, Michael E. von Fricken, Jeremías Nzamio Mba Eyono, Olivier T. Donfack, Carlos A. Guerra and Guillermo A. García
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:323
  21. Malaria, a major cause of mortality worldwide is linked to a web of determinants ranging from individual to contextual factors. This calls for examining the magnitude of the effect of clustering within malaria...

    Authors: Charles Natuhamya, Fredrick Makumbi, Aggrey David Mukose and John M. Ssenkusu
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:317
  22. Anopheles funestus, the main malaria vector, prefer to oviposit in permanent and/or semi-permanent breeding habitats located far from human dwellings. Difficulties in identifying and accessing these habitats jeop...

    Authors: Hamisi J. Kunambi, Halfan Ngowo, Ali Ali, Naomi Urio, Amos J. Ngonzi, Yohana A. Mwalugelo, Mohamed Jumanne, Augustino Mmbaga, Felista S. Tarimo, Joseph Swilla, Fredros Okumu and Dickson Lwetoijera
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:280
  23. In 2021, Brazil was responsible for more than 25% of malaria cases in the Americas. Although the country has shown a reduction of cases in the last decades, in 2021 it reported over 139,000 malaria cases. One ...

    Authors: Klauss Kleydmann Sabino Garcia, Seyi Soremekun, Christian Bottomley, Amanda Amaral Abrahão, Cristiano Barreto de Miranda, Chris Drakeley, Walter Massa Ramalho and André M. Siqueira
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:275
  24. Malaria remains a public health problem in Malaysia despite a decline in the number of cases in recent years. Public knowledge of malaria is essential to achieving and maintaining malaria elimination. Therefor...

    Authors: Faizul Akmal Abdul Rahim, Mohd Farihan Md Yatim, Mohd Hatta Abdul Mutalip and Mohd Amierul Fikri Mahmud
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:267
  25. The objective of this study was to determine the susceptibility of wild Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) from southern Benin to the new insecticides (chlorfenapyr (CFP), pyriproxyfen (PPF), and clothianidin (C...

    Authors: David Mahouton Zoungbédji, Germain Gil Padonou, Alphonse Keller Konkon, Steve Hougbe, Hermann Sagbohan, Casimir Kpanou, Albert Sourou Salako, Razaki Ossè, Rock Aïkpon, Cyriaque Afoukou, Aboubakar Sidick, Bruno Akinro, Saïd Chitou, Virgile Gnanguénon, Patrick Condo, Ahmed Saadani Hassani…
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:245
  26. Over the last two decades, global stakeholders and the Nigerian government have invested approximately $2 billion in malaria control, reducing parasite prevalence to 23% from 42% to 2010. However, there is a r...

    Authors: Olugbenga A. Mokuolu, Innocent O. Idachaba, Musibau A. Babatunde, Kafayat O. Suleiman, Toluwani A. Mokuolu, Lukman Lawal and Adenike O. Osofisan
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:216
  27. Artemisinin-based combinations therapy (ACT) is the current frontline curative therapy for uncomplicated malaria in Burkina Faso. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is used for the preventive treatment of pregnant...

    Authors: Casimire Wendlamita Tarama, Harouna Soré, Mafama Siribié, Siaka Débé, Réné Kinda, Adama Ganou, Wendyam Gérard Nonkani, Farida Tiendrebeogo, Winnie Bantango, Kassoum Yira, Aladari Sagnon, Sonia Ilboudo, Esther Yéri Hien, Moussa Wandaogo Guelbéogo, NFale Sagnon, Yves Traoré…
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:213
  28. Ivermectin (22,23-dihydroavermectin B1a: H2B1a) is an endectocide used to treat worm infections and ectoparasites including lice and scabies mites. Furthermore, survival of malaria transmitting Anopheles mosquito...

    Authors: Charlotte Kern, Pie Müller, Carlos Chaccour, Matthias E. Liechti, Felix Hammann and Urs Duthaler
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:194
  29. The threat of malaria is still present in the world. Recognizing the type of parasite is important in determining a treatment plan. The golden routine involves microscopic diagnostics of Giemsa-stained thin bl...

    Authors: Malwina Birczyńska-Zych, Jacek Czepiel, Maria Łabanowska, Martyna Kucharska, Magdalena Kurdziel, Grażyna Biesiada, Aleksander Garlicki and Aleksandra Wesełucha-Birczyńska
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:188
  30. Early case detection and prompt treatment are important malaria control and elimination strategies. However, the emergence and rapid spread of drug-resistant strains present a major challenge. This study repor...

    Authors: Mihreteab Alebachew, Woyneshet Gelaye, Megbaru Alemu Abate, Heven Sime, Henok Hailgiorgis, Bokretsion Gidey, Mebrahtom Haile, Gudissa Assefa, Worku Bekele, Habtamu Belay, Jonathan B. Parr, Geremew Tasew, Hussein Mohammed and Ashenafi Assefa
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:186
  31. Malaria transmission in Southeast Asia is increasingly confined to forests, where marginalized groups are exposed primarily through their work. Anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis may help to protect these people. ...

    Authors: Franca Conradis-Jansen, Rupam Tripura, Thomas J. Peto, James J. Callery, Bipin Adhikari, Mom Ean, Monnaphat Jongdeepaisal, Christopher Pell, Panarasri Khonputsa, Riccardo Murgia, Siv Sovannaroth, Olaf Müller, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Arjen M. Dondorp, Lorenz von Seidlein and Richard J. Maude
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:178
  32. There has been a significant reduction in malaria morbidity and mortality worldwide from 2000 to 2019. However, the incidence and mortality increased again in 2020 due to the disruption to services during the ...

    Authors: Boyu Yi, Li Zhang, Jianhai Yin, Shuisen Zhou and Zhigui Xia
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:152

    The Correction to this article has been published in Malaria Journal 2023 22:179

  33. Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) is a malaria control strategy consisting of the administration of an anti-malarial drug alongside routine immunizations. So far, this is being imp...

    Authors: Augustin E. Fombah, Haily Chen, Kwabena Owusu-Kyei, Llorenç Quinto, Raquel Gonzalez, Julian Williams, Mireia LLach Berne, Myrte Wassenaar, Abubakarr Jalloh, Joe-Henry C. Sunders, Maximo Ramirez, Cesc Bertran-Cobo, Francisco Saute, Didier K. Ekouevi, Valérie Briand, Anitta R. Y. Kamara…
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:145
  34. Health facilities’ availability of malaria diagnostic tests and anti-malarial drugs (AMDs), and the correctness of treatment are critical for the appropriate case management, and malaria surveillance programs....

    Authors: Hosein Azizi, Elham Davtalab Esmaeili and Fariba Abbasi
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:127
  35. New anti-malarial drugs are needed urgently to address the increasing challenges of drug-resistant falciparum malaria. Two rhinacanthin analogues containing a naphthoquinone moiety resembling atovaquone showed...

    Authors: Suwanna Chaorattanakawee, Varakorn Kosaisavee, Watanyu Bunsermyos, Chaiyawat Aonsri, Witcha Imaram, Kanokon Suwannasin, Chanon Kunasol, Chatchadaporn Thamnurak, Nonlawat Boonyalai, David Saunders, Arjen M. Dondorp, Mathirut Mungthin and Mallika Imwong
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:105
  36. Malaria disproportionately affects low-income households in rural communities where poor housing is common. Despite evidence that well-constructed and mosquito-proofed houses can reduce malaria risk, housing i...

    Authors: Ramadhani M. Bofu, Ellen M. Santos, Betwel J. Msugupakulya, Najat F. Kahamba, Joseph D. Swilla, Rukiyah Njalambaha, Ann H. Kelly, Javier Lezaun, Nicola Christofides, Fredros O. Okumu and Marceline F. Finda
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:69
  37. Until recently, due to widespread prevalence of molecular markers associated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and amodiaquine (AQ) resistance in east and southern Africa, seasonal malaria chemoprevention (S...

    Authors: Anthony Nuwa, Kevin Baker, Craig Bonnington, Musa Odongo, Tonny Kyagulanyi, John Baptist Bwanika, Sol Richardson, Jane Nabakooza, Jane Achan, Richard Kajubi, David Salandini Odong, Maureen Nakirunda, Godfrey Magumba, Geofrey Beinomugisha, Madeleine Marasciulo-Rice, Hilda Abio…
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:63
  38. Community engagement (CE) plays a critical role in malaria control and elimination. CE approaches vary substantially, with more participatory programmes requiring higher levels of adaptive management. This stu...

    Authors: Kevin Bardosh, Luccene Desir, Lorence Jean, Sarah Yoss, Brianna Poovey, Andrew Nute, Madsen Valerie Beau de Rochars, Marc-Aurèle Telfort, Fabiola Benoit, Ginette Chery, Marie Carmelle Charlotin and Gregory S. Noland
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:47
  39. Early-evening and outdoor-biting mosquitoes may compromise the effectiveness of frontline malaria interventions, notably insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of low-cost i...

    Authors: Arnold S. Mmbando, Winifrida P. Mponzi, Halfan S. Ngowo, Khamis Kifungo, Robert Kasubiri, Rukiyah M. Njalambaha, Tegemeo Gavana, Alvaro E. Eiras, Elis P. A. Batista, Marceline F. Finda, Onyango P. Sangoro and Fredros O. Okumu
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:43
  40. Malaria morbidity and mortality increase in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) may be the consequence of the low utilization rate of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) resulting from poor complianc...

    Authors: Gillon Ilombe, Thérèse Mpiempie, Gauthier Mesia, Junior R. Matangila, Aimée M. Lulebo, Vivi Maketa, Baby Mabanzila, Nicole M. Muela, Flory T. Muanda, Sylvie Linsuke, Jean-Pierre van Geertruyden and Pascal Lutumba
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:35
  41. Mass screening and treatment (MSAT) for malaria elimination lacks an ideal diagnostic tool to allow sensitive and affordable test of the target population in the field. This study evaluated whether Capture and...

    Authors: Xiao-dong Sun, Ya-ling Zhao, Zu-rui Lin, Ye Zhao, Yao-wu Zhou, Shi-gang Li, Xiang-rui Guo, Peng Tian, Kai-xia Duan, Chun-li Ding, Qi-yan Chen, Yuan Sui, Shen-ning Lu, Chris Cotter, Duo-quan Wang and Zhi Zheng
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2023 22:21
  42. Despite the scale-up of insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying, the bulk of malaria transmission in western Kenya still occurs indoors, late at night. House improvement is a potential long-term ...

    Authors: Bernard Abong’o, John E. Gimnig, Diana Omoke, Eric Ochomo and Edward D. Walker
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:377
  43. Malaria remains the biggest public health challenge globally, and Ghana is among the 15 highest burden malaria countries in the world, with 2% of global malaria cases and 3% deaths in 2019. This study sought t...

    Authors: Seth Kwaku Afagbedzi, Yakubu Alhassan and Chris Guure
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:370
  44. The rate of decay of the biological efficacy of insecticides used for indoor residual spraying (IRS) is an important factor when making decisions on insecticide choice for national malaria control programmes. ...

    Authors: Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Eba Alemayehu Simma, Endalew Zemene, Kassahun Zeleke and Teshome Degefa
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:364
  45. Insecticidal mosquito-proof netting screens could combine the best features of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), the two most important front line vector control interventions...

    Authors: Rogath Msoffe, Matilda Hewitt, John P. Masalu, Marcelina Finda, Deogratius R. Kavishe, Fredros O. Okumu, Emmanuel A. Mpolya, Emmanuel W. Kaindoa and Gerry F. Killeen
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:318
  46. The alertness and practice of health care providers (HCPs) in the correct management of suspected malaria (CMSM) (vigilance) is a central component of malaria surveillance following elimination, and it must be...

    Authors: Hosein Azizi, Reza Majdzadeh, Ayat Ahmadi, Ahmad Raeisi, Maryam Nazemipour, Mohammad Ali Mansournia and Allan Schapira
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:304
  47. In 2020–2021, long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) were distributed nationwide in Uganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 12 districts to evaluate the impact of the cam...

    Authors: Jaffer Okiring, Samuel Gonahasa, Martha Nassali, Jane F. Namuganga, Irene Bagala, Catherine Maiteki‑Sebuguzi, Jimmy Opigo, Isaiah Nabende, Joanita Nangendo, Jane Kabami, Isaac Ssewanyana, Steven M. Kiwuwa, Joaniter I. Nankabirwa, Grant Dorsey, Jessica Briggs, Moses R. Kamya…
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:293
  48. The preventive and curative strategies of malaria are based on promoting the use of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and treating confirmed cases with artemisinin-based combination therapy. These strateg...

    Authors: El Hadji Diouf, Mbaye Diouf, Constentin Dieme, Isabel Swamidoss, El Hadji Malick Ngom, Massila Wagué Senghor, Modou Mbaye, Abdoulaye Konaté, Youssouph Coulibaly, Dome Tine, Ibrahima Dia, Ellen Marie Dotson, Ousmane Faye and Lassana Konaté
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:210
  49. In Burkina Faso, malaria remains the first cause of medical consultation and hospitalization in health centres. First-line case management of malaria in the country’s health facilities is based on the use of a...

    Authors: Denise Hien, Jean Moise Tanga Kaboré, Mohamadou Siribié, Issiaka Soulama, Nouhoun Barry, Adama Baguiya, Alfred Bewendtaoré Tiono, André-Marie Tchouatieu and Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:202
  50. Across the Greater Mekong Subregion, malaria remains a dangerous infectious disease, particularly for people who visit forested areas where residual transmission continues. Because vector control measures offe...

    Authors: Monnaphat Jongdeepaisal, Panarasri Khonputsa, Orathai Prasert, Suphitsara Maneenet, Kulchada Pongsoipetch, Anchalee Jatapai, Chawarat Rotejanaprasert, Prayuth Sudathip, Richard J. Maude and Christopher Pell
    Citation: Malaria Journal 2022 21:47