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Chromatin and epigenomic modifications in development and disease

Guest Editors:
Tatiana Kutateladze, PhD, University of Colorado, USA
Guohong Li, PhD, Wuhan University, China

Genome Biology called for submissions to our Collection on the role and mechanism of chromatin and epigenomics in regulating developmental processes and diseases.

Meet the Guest Editors

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Tatiana Kutateladze, University of Colorado, USA

Dr Tatiana Kutateladze is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine. Her research interests include the study of epigenetic and chromatin remodeling signaling, post-translational histone modifications, and the role of epigenetic misregulations in human diseases. Tatiana’s laboratory employs high field NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography to obtain atomic-resolution structures of chromatin-binding proteins involved in the transcriptional regulation and DNA damage repair. Among their major achievements, the Kutateladze lab is credited with determining the molecular bases underlying methyllysine and acyllysine recognition by a large number of epigenetic readers.

Guohong Li, Wuhan University, China

Dr Guohong Li is currently a Professor of the College of Life Sciences at Wuhan University. He received his undergraduate degree from Wuhan University, his Master of Science from Peking University Health Center, and his Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. Rer. Nat.) degree from Heidelberg University. Dr Li carried out his postdoctoral training with Dr. Danny Reinberg at UMDNJ and NYU. In 2010, he joined the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a CAS Hundred Talents Investigator. His group focuses on studying the chromatin structure and dynamics in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Dr Li has received several awards and honors, including Tan Jiazhen Awards for Life Sciences, HHMI International Research Scholar, New Cornerstone Investigator, among others.

About the collection

Genome Biology is calling for submissions to our Collection on chromatin and epigenomic modifications in development and disease.

Chromatin and epigenomic modifications play essential roles in regulating gene expression and cellular function, which in turn influence developmental processes. Abnormal chromatin changes and epigenomic modifications lead to developmental disorders and progression of diseases. Understanding the mechanisms governing alteration of chromatin and epigenomic modifications is not only crucial for unraveling the complexities of gene expression that impact developmental processes but also important for developing novel diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies for developmental disorders and diseases.

Recent technological advances allow us to study epigenomic modifications at single nucleotide resolution, to explore three-dimensional chromatin architecture, to decipher epigenetic modification involved transcriptional regulation, and to explore novel epigenetic modifications, providing exciting novel insights into chromatin biology during development and disease.

This collection is calling for submissions on “Chromatin and epigenomic modifications in development and disease”. We aim to advance our understanding of the role and mechanism of chromatin and epigenomics in regulating developmental processes and diseases.

Image credit: [M] petarg /

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Submission Guidelines

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This Collection welcomes submission of original Research, Method, Short Report, Review, and Database article types. Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have read our submission guidelines.

To submit your manuscript to this Collection, please use our online submission system and indicate in your covering letter that you would like the article to be considered for inclusion in the "Chromatin and epigenomic modifications in development and disease" Collection.

All articles submitted to Collections are peer reviewed in line with the journal’s standard peer review policy and are subject to all of the journal’s standard editorial and publishing policies. This includes the journal’s policy on competing interests. 

The Guest Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Guest Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editor or Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.