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Call for papers - Ecotourism and conservation of biodiversity


Simanku Borah, PhD, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, India
Karankumar Kishorkumar Ramteke, PhD, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, India

Submission Status: Open   |   Submission Deadline: 1 March 2025

BMC Environmental Science is calling for submissions to our Collection on Ecotourism and conservation of biodiversity. Ecotourism, characterized by responsible travel to natural areas, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to harmonize tourism and biodiversity conservation. This Collection aims to explore the multifaceted relationship between ecotourism and the protection of Earth's rich tapestry of life.

New Content ItemThis Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG #8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG #12: Responsible consumptions and production, SDG 15: Life on land.

Meet the Guest Editor

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Simanku Borah, PhD, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, India

Dr Borah discovered two new fish species (Barilius torsai and Opsarius siangi) from the Eastern Himalayan region. He made significant contributions in sustainable management and conservation of floodplain wetland and riverine fisheries of India and has been involved in developing an innovative framework for assessing vulnerability of freshwater fishes in the context of climate change. Dr Borah has carried out detailed studies on the biological traits of various indigenous fish species found in wetlands and rivers of India and on the ecology and fisheries of rivers in the Eastern Himalayan belt in the context of hydropower projects.

Karankumar Kishorkumar Ramteke, PhD, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, India

Dr Karankumar Ramteke is a researcher with extensive expertise in Fisheries Resource Management. He earned his PhD from ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai, where he focused on trawl fisheries using sea-truth and remote sensing information off the Mumbai coast. Dr Karankumar Kishorkumar Ramteke has published numerous peer-reviewed articles on topics such as water quality variability, breeding phenology, and the impact of marine debris on coral reef ecosystems. He is currently working on fisheries resource management, fishing gears, resource mapping of fisheries, aquatic biodiversity, fishing interaction, GIS and remote sensing, and ecological modelling. Dr Karankumar Ramteke is passionate about integrating ecological research with practical conservation efforts.

About the Collection

BMC Environmental Science is calling for submissions to our Collection on Ecotourism and conservation of biodiversity. Ecotourism, characterized by responsible travel to natural areas, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to harmonize tourism and biodiversity conservation. This Collection aims to explore the multifaceted relationship between ecotourism and the protection of Earth's rich tapestry of life.

In an era characterized by escalating climate change and unprecedented biodiversity loss, the synergy between ecotourism and conservation is not just beneficial; it is imperative. By deepening our comprehension of these critical intersections, we can develop more resilient, sustainable, and adaptable strategies to safeguard our planet's ecological treasures. As we journey forward, research in this field promises innovative solutions, such as the integration of advanced technologies in ecotourism, the identification of new economic models that prioritize conservation, and the empowerment of local communities as stewards of their natural heritage. It is through this ongoing exploration that we may unlock the keys to a harmonious coexistence between humans and the magnificent biodiversity that surrounds us.

We invite contributions that span a wide spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Best practices in ecotourism: Papers that delve into successful ecotourism models and case studies demonstrating their positive impact on local ecosystems and species.
  • Biodiversity monitoring and management: Research on the role of ecotourism in monitoring and managing biodiversity.
  • Economic and sociocultural aspects: Explorations of the economic benefits of ecotourism for local communities, as well as its role in preserving indigenous cultures and traditions.
  • Sustainable tourism policies: Analysis of policies and regulations that support ecotourism as a conservation strategy.
  • Climate change resilience: Investigations into how ecotourism can contribute to enhancing the resilience of ecosystems and species facing climate-related challenges.
  • Community engagement and education: Studies on community involvement in ecotourism ventures and the educational value of ecotourism experiences.

Tourism has the potential to contribute, directly or indirectly to all of the Sustainable Development goals. In particular, it has been included as targets in Goals #8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, #12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, and #14 - Life Below Water on inclusive and sustainable economic growth and the sustainable use of oceans and marine resources. This Collection also supports and amplifies research related to United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal #15 – Life on Land.

Image credit: migin / Getty Images / iStock (Symbolbild mit Fotomodell)

There are currently no articles in this collection.

Submission Guidelines

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This Collection welcomes submission of original Research Articles. Should you wish to submit a different article type, please read our submission guidelines to confirm that type is accepted by the journal. Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system, Snapp. During the submission process you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection, please select "Ecotourism and conservation of biodiversity" from the dropdown menu.

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

The Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.