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Multimodal approach for age-related decline in biological function and anti-aging

Edited by: Sho Kakizawa, PhD & Sae Uchida, PhD
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan

Age-dependent decline in biological functions, aging, is universal phenomenon seen in all organisms. Although many studies demonstrate that aging is affected by various factors related to lifestyle, mechanisms of actions and reciprocal interactions of these factors have not been fully understood. In this theme, five researchers introduce their current topics on effects of olfaction, exercise, sleep, redox metabolites, and anti-oxidants on aging. Because our theme is focused on multimodal approach to aging and anti-aging and interest in extension of healthy life expectancy is increasing, the theme gives useful insights to many researchers.

  1. Multiple organs orchestrate the maintenance of proper physiological function in organisms throughout their lifetimes. Recent studies have uncovered that aging and longevity are regulated by cell non-autonomous...

    Authors: Takuya Urushihata and Akiko Satoh
    Citation: The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2024 74:40
  2. The olfactory bulb receives cholinergic basal forebrain inputs as does the neocortex. With a focus on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), this review article provides an overview and discussion of the ...

    Authors: Sae Uchida and Fusako Kagitani
    Citation: The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2024 74:18