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Personalized medicine in the ICU

Thematic Series

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After so many negative randomized, controlled trials, that have evaluated a number of simplified therapeutic interventions that could be applied to large patient populations, people are turning their interest back to personalized medicine.
This new Thematic Series will share thoughts based on scientific data and help the clinician to individualize the different aspects of the patient management.

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  1. The superimposed pressure is the primary determinant of the pleural pressure gradient. Obesity is associated with elevated end-expiratory esophageal pressure, regardless of lung disease severity, and the super...

    Authors: Stefano Spina, Lea Mantz, Yi Xin, David C. Moscho, Roberta Ribeiro De Santis Santiago, Luigi Grassi, Alice Nova, Sarah E. Gerard, Edward A. Bittner, Florian J. Fintelmann, Lorenzo Berra and Maurizio Cereda
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:306
  2. Exploring clinical trial data using alternative methods may enhance original study’s findings and provide new insights. The SOAP II trial has been published more than 10 years ago; but there is still some spec...

    Authors: Fernando G. Zampieri, Sean M. Bagshaw, Hassane Njimi, Jean-Louis Vincent and Daniel DeBacker
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:299
  3. This review explores the complex interactions between sedation and invasive ventilation and examines the potential of volatile anesthetics for lung- and diaphragm-protective sedation. In the early stages of in...

    Authors: Lukas M. Müller-Wirtz, Brian O’Gara, Marcelo Gama de Abreu, Marcus J. Schultz, Jeremy R. Beitler, Angela Jerath and Andreas Meiser
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:269
  4. The optimal strategy for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration in the management of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients remains unclear. Current guidelines emphasize the impo...

    Authors: Christoph Boesing, Patricia R. M. Rocco, Thomas Luecke and Joerg Krebs
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:277
  5. Sepsis presents a challenge due to its complex immune responses, where balance between inflammation and anti-inflammation is critical for survival. Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) is key protein i...

    Authors: Stefan Rusev, Patrick Thon, Birte Dyck, Dominik Ziehe, Tim Rahmel, Britta Marko, Lars Palmowski, Hartmuth Nowak, Björn Ellger, Ulrich Limper, Elke Schwier, Dietrich Henzler, Stefan Felix Ehrentraut, Lars Bergmann, Matthias Unterberg, Michael Adamzik…
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:270
  6. Although cumulative studies have demonstrated a beneficial effect of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen (HFNC) in acute hypercapnic respiratory failure, randomized trials to compare HFNC with non-invasive ventilat...

    Authors: Dingyu Tan, Bingxia Wang, Peng Cao, Yunyun Wang, Jiayan Sun, Ping Geng, Joseph Harold Walline, Yachao Wang and Chenlong Wang
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:250

    The Matters Arising to this article has been published in Critical Care 2024 28:313

    The Matters Arising to this article has been published in Critical Care 2024 28:264

  7. To examine the relationship between physical rehabilitation parameters including an approach to quantifying dosage with hospital outcomes for patients with critical COVID-19.

    Authors: Kirby P. Mayer, Evan Haezebrouck, Lori M. Ginoza, Clarisa Martinez, Minnie Jan, Lori A. Michener, Lindsey E. Fresenko, Ashley A. Montgomery-Yates, Anna G. Kalema, Amy M. Pastva, Michelle Biehl, Matthew F. Mart and Joshua K. Johnson
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:248
  8. Sepsis poses a grave threat, especially among children, but treatments are limited owing to heterogeneity among patients. We sought to test the clinical and biological relevance of pediatric septic shock subcl...

    Authors: Mihir R. Atreya, Min Huang, Andrew R. Moore, Hong Zheng, Yehudit Hasin-Brumshtein, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Scott L. Weiss, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Michael T. Bigham, Parag N. Jain, Adam J. Schwarz, Riad Lutfi, Jeffrey Nowak, Neal J. Thomas, Michael Quasney, Mary K. Dahmer…
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:246
  9. The immune response of critically ill patients, such as those with sepsis, severe trauma, or major surgery, is heterogeneous and dynamic, but its characterization and impact on outcomes are poorly understood. ...

    Authors: Maxime Bodinier, Estelle Peronnet, Jean-François Llitjos, Louis Kreitmann, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Thomas Rimmelé, Aurore Fleurie, Julien Textoris, Fabienne Venet, Delphine Maucort-Boulch and Guillaume Monneret
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:240
  10. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of sedation administration on clinical parameters, comfort status, intubation requirements, and the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) length of stay (L...

    Authors: Lorena Bermúdez-Barrezueta, Juan Mayordomo-Colunga, María Miñambres-Rodríguez, Susana Reyes, Juan Valencia-Ramos, Yolanda Margarita Lopez-Fernandez, Mikel Mendizábal-Diez, Ana Vivanco-Allende, Alba Palacios-Cuesta, Lidia Oviedo-Melgares, José Luis Unzueta-Roch, Jorge López-González, María Teresa Jiménez-Villalta, Maite Cuervas-Mons Tejedor, Lourdes Artacho González, Ainhoa Jiménez Olmos…
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:235
  11. Early fluid management in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) and sepsis-induced hypotension is challenging with limited evidence to support treatment recommendations. We aimed to compare an ea...

    Authors: Anselm Jorda, Ivor S. Douglas, Thomas Staudinger, Gottfried Heinz, Felix Bergmann, Rainer Oberbauer, Gürkan Sengölge, Markus Zeitlinger, Bernd Jilma, Nathan I. Shapiro and Georg Gelbenegger
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:231
  12. Adjusting trunk inclination from a semi-recumbent position to a supine-flat position or vice versa in patients with respiratory failure significantly affects numerous aspects of respiratory physiology includin...

    Authors: Martín H. Benites, Marcelo Zapata-Canivilo, Fabian Poblete, Francisco Labbe, Romina Battiato, Andrés Ferre, Jorge Dreyse, Guillermo Bugedo, Alejandro Bruhn, Eduardo L. V. Costa and Jaime Retamal
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:228
  13. In a phase 3 trial (PANAMO, NCT04333420), vilobelimab, a complement 5a (C5a) inhibitor, reduced 28-day mortality in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients. This post hoc analysis of 368 patients aimed to ex...

    Authors: Rombout B. E. van Amstel, Marleen A. Slim, Endry H. T. Lim, Simon Rückinger, Christopher W. Seymour, Bruce P. Burnett, Lieuwe D. J. Bos, Lonneke A. van Vught, Niels C. Riedemann, Diederik van de Beek and Alexander P. J. Vlaar
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:210
  14. Critical illness syndromes including sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and acute kidney injury (AKI) are associated with high in-hospital mortality and long-term adverse health outcomes among surviv...

    Authors: Joseph Stevens, OÄŸuzhan Tezel, Valentina Bonnefil, Matthew Hapstack and Mihir R. Atreya
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:186
  15. Dyspnea is a key symptom of de novo acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. This study explores dyspnea and its association with intubation and mortality in this population.

    Authors: Alexandre Demoule, Amandine Baptiste, Arnaud W. Thille, Thomas Similowski, Stephanie Ragot, Gwénael Prat, Alain Mercat, Christophe Girault, Guillaume Carteaux, Thierry Boulain, Sébastien Perbet, Maxens Decavèle, Lisa Belin and Jean-Pierre Frat
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:174
  16. Rapidly improving acute respiratory distress syndrome (RIARDS) is an increasingly appreciated subgroup of ARDS in which hypoxemia improves within 24 h after initiation of mechanical ventilation. Detailed clini...

    Authors: Patricia L. Valda Toro, Andrew Willmore, Nelson E. Wu, Kevin L. Delucchi, Alejandra Jauregui, Pratik Sinha, Kathleen D. Liu, Carolyn M. Hendrickson, Aartik Sarma, Lucile P. A. Neyton, Aleksandra Leligdowicz, Charles R. Langelier, Hanjing Zhuo, Chayse Jones, Kirsten N. Kangelaris, Antonio D. Gomez…
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:132
  17. Extracorporeal Carbon Dioxide Removal (ECCO2R) is used in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients to facilitate lung-protective ventilatory strategies. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) allows ind...

    Authors: Benjamin Pequignot, Alain Combes, Mickael Lescroart, Bruno Levy and Matthieu Koszutski
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:124
  18. Perhaps nowhere else in the healthcare system than in the intensive care unit environment are the challenges to create useful models with direct time-critical clinical applications more relevant and the obstac...

    Authors: Michael R. Pinsky, Armando Bedoya, Azra Bihorac, Leo Celi, Matthew Churpek, Nicoleta J. Economou-Zavlanos, Paul Elbers, Suchi Saria, Vincent Liu, Patrick G. Lyons, Benjamin Shickel, Patrick Toral, David Tscholl and Gilles Clermont
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:113
  19. Albumin has potential endothelial protective effects through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the effect of albumin on peripheral tissue perfusion in human sepsis remains poorly known.

    Authors: Paul Gabarre, Cyrielle Desnos, Alexandra Morin, Louai Missri, Tomas Urbina, Vincent Bonny, Matthieu Turpin, Jean-Luc Baudel, Laurence Berard, Melissa Montil, Bertrand Guidet, Guillaume Voiriot, Jérémie Joffre, Eric Maury and Hafid Ait-Oufella
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:43

    The Matters Arising to this article has been published in Critical Care 2024 28:79

  20. The optimal feeding strategy for critically ill patients is still debated, but feeding must be adapted to individual patient needs. Critically ill patients are at risk of muscle catabolism, leading to loss of ...

    Authors: Renée Blaauw, Philip C. Calder, Robert G. Martindale and Mette M. Berger
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:38
  21. Delivering higher doses of protein to mechanically ventilated critically ill patients did not improve patient outcomes and may have caused harm. Longitudinal urea measurements could provide additional informat...

    Authors: Ryan W. Haines, John R. Prowle, Andrew Day, Danielle E. Bear, Daren K. Heyland and Zudin Puthucheary
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:24
  22. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1) is a pattern recognition receptor and plays a critical role in the immune response. TREM-1 activation leads to the production and release of proinflamm...

    Authors: Vivienne Theobald, Felix Carl Fabian Schmitt, Chiara Simone Middel, Lena Gaissmaier, Thorsten Brenner and Markus Alexander Weigand
    Citation: Critical Care 2024 28:17
  23. Sepsis is a highly heterogeneous syndrome, which has hindered the development of effective therapies. This has prompted investigators to develop a precision medicine approach aimed at identifying biologically ...

    Authors: Jamie O. Yang, Matt S. Zinter, Matteo Pellegrini, Man Yee Wong, Kinisha Gala, Daniela Markovic, Brian Nadel, Kerui Peng, Nguyen Do, Serghei Mangul, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Aaron Karlsberg, Dhrithi Deshpande, Manish J. Butte, Lisa Asaro, Michael Agus…
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:486
  24. Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs commonly in pediatric septic shock and increases morbidity and mortality. Early identification of high-risk patients can facilitate targeted intervention to improve outcomes. W...

    Authors: Natalja L. Stanski, Rajit K. Basu, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Michael T. Bigham, Parag N. Jain, Adam J. Schwarz, Riad Lutfi, Neal J. Thomas, Torrey Baines, Bereketeab Haileselassie, Scott L. Weiss, Mihir R. Atreya, Andrew J. Lautz, Basilia Zingarelli, Stephen W. Standage…
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:463
  25. In the acute distress respiratory syndrome (ARDS), specific lung regions can be exposed to excessive strain due to heterogeneous disease, gravity-dependent lung collapse and injurious mechanical ventilation. C...

    Authors: Roberto Brito, Caio C. A. Morais, Marioli T. Lazo, Dannette V. Guiñez, Abraham I. J. Gajardo, Daniel H. Arellano, Marcelo B. P. Amato and Rodrigo A. Cornejo
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:457
  26. Extubation failure is associated with increased mortality. Cough ineffectiveness may be associated with extubation failure, but its quantification for patients undergoing weaning from invasive mechanical venti...

    Authors: Vincent Bonny, Jeremie Joffre, Paul Gabarre, Tomas Urbina, Louai Missri, Mathilde Ladoire, Maxime Gasperment, Jean-Luc Baudel, Bertrand Guidet, Guillaume Dumas, Eric Maury, Laurent Brochard and Hafid Ait-Oufella
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:368
  27. One of five global deaths are attributable to sepsis. Hyperferritinemic sepsis (> 500 ng/mL) is associated with increased mortality in single-center studies. Our pediatric research network’s objective was to o...

    Authors: Zhenziang Fan, Kate F. Kernan, Yidi Qin, Scott Canna, Robert A. Berg, David Wessel, Murray M. Pollack, Kathleen Meert, Mark Hall, Christopher Newth, John C. Lin, Allan Doctor, Tom Shanley, Tim Cornell, Rick E. Harrison, Athena F. Zuppa…
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:347
  28. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) individualized to a maximal respiratory system compliance directly implies minimal driving pressures with potential outcome benefits, yet, raises concerns on static and ...

    Authors: Congli Zeng, Min Zhu, Gabriel Motta-Ribeiro, David Lagier, Takuga Hinoshita, Mingyang Zang, Kira Grogg, Tilo Winkler and Marcos F. Vidal Melo
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:307
  29. Sepsis is a heterogenous syndrome with limited therapeutic options. Identifying immunological endotypes through gene expression patterns in septic patients may lead to targeted interventions. We investigated w...

    Authors: Jeremy A. Balch, Uan-I Chen, Oliver Liesenfeld, Petr Starostik, Tyler J. Loftus, Philip A. Efron, Scott C. Brakenridge, Timothy E. Sweeney and Lyle L. Moldawer
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:292
  30. Recent evidence suggests an association of plasma Proenkephalin A 119–159 (penKid) with early and successful liberation from continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in critically ill patients with acute ki...

    Authors: Thilo von Groote, Felix Albert, Melanie Meersch, Raphael Koch, Joachim Gerss, Birte Arlt, Mahan Sadjadi, Christian Porschen, Peter Pickkers and Alexander Zarbock
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:276
  31. Personalization of ICU nutrition is essential to future of critical care. Recommendations from American/European guidelines and practice suggestions incorporating recent literature are presented. Low-dose ente...

    Authors: Paul E. Wischmeyer, Danielle E. Bear, Mette M. Berger, Elisabeth De Waele, Jan Gunst, Stephen A. McClave, Carla M. Prado, Zudin Puthucheary, Emma J. Ridley, Greet Van den Berghe and Arthur R. H. van Zanten
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:261
  32. Polymyxin B hemadsorption (PMX-HA) reduces blood endotoxin levels, but characteristics of patients with sepsis likely to benefit from PMX-HA are not well known. We sought to identify patient subgroups likely t...

    Authors: Itsuki Osawa, Tadahiro Goto, Daisuke Kudo, Mineji Hayakawa, Kazuma Yamakawa, Shigeki Kushimoto, Debra M. Foster, John A. Kellum and Kent Doi
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:245

    The Correspondence to this article has been published in Critical Care 2023 27:327

    The Correspondence to this article has been published in Critical Care 2023 27:284

  33. Cerebral autoregulation (CA) can be impaired in patients with delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). The Pressure Reactivity Index (PRx, correlation of blood pressure and...

    Authors: Nick Kastenholz, Murad Megjhani, Catharina Conzen-Dilger, Walid Albanna, Michael Veldeman, Daniel Nametz, Soon Bin Kwon, Henna Schulze-Steinen, Hani Ridwan, Hans Clusmann, Gerrit Alexander Schubert, Soojin Park and Miriam Weiss
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:235
  34. Bleeding and thrombosis induce major morbidity and mortality in patients under extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO). Circuit changes can be performed for oxygenation membrane thrombosis but are not recomm...

    Authors: Thibaut Genty, Stanislas Burguburu, Audrey Imbert, Calypso Roman, Wirth Camille, Jacques Thès and François Stéphan
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:219
  35. This study aims to provide an updated assessment of the efficacy of optimized enteral nutrition (EN) delivery by implementing the volume-based feeding (VBF) protocol in critically ill patients.

    Authors: Lu Wang, Yu Wang, Hua-Xin Li, Rui-peng Zhang, Li Chang, Jun Zeng and Hua Jiang
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:173
  36. Polymyxin B is the first-line therapy for Carbapenem-resistant organism (CRO) nosocomial pneumonia. However, clinical data for its pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationship are limited. This study a...

    Authors: Tiantian Tang, Ying Li, Ping Xu, Yanjun Zhong, Min Yang, Wanjun Ma, Daxiong Xiang, Bikui Zhang and Yangang Zhou
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:164
  37. The development of stratification tools based on the assessment of circulating mRNA of genes involved in the immune response is constrained by the heterogeneity of septic patients. The aim of this study is to ...

    Authors: Maxime Bodinier, Guillaume Monneret, Marie Casimir, Aurore Fleurie, Filippo Conti, Fabienne Venet, Marie-Angélique Cazalis, Elisabeth Cerrato, Estelle Peronnet, Thomas Rimmelé, Anne-Claire Lukaszewicz, Karen Brengel-Pesce and Jean-François Llitjos
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:158
  38. Optimal noninvasive respiratory support for patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure should minimize work of breathing without increasing the transpulmonary pressure. Recently, an asymmetrical high flow nas...

    Authors: Douglas Slobod, Elena Spinelli, Stefania Crotti, Alfredo Lissoni, Alessandro Galazzi, Giacomo Grasselli and Tommaso Mauri
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:145
  39. There is very limited evidence identifying factors that increase respiratory drive in hypoxemic intubated patients. Most physiological determinants of respiratory drive cannot be directly assessed at the bedsi...

    Authors: Elena Spinelli, Antonio Pesenti, Douglas Slobod, Carla Fornari, Roberto Fumagalli, Giacomo Grasselli, Carlo Alberto Volta, Giuseppe Foti, Paolo Navalesi, Rihard Knafelj, Paolo Pelosi, Jordi Mancebo, Laurent Brochard and Tommaso Mauri
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:138
  40. For decades, one of the main targets in the management of severe acute brain injury (ABI) has been intracranial hypertension (IH) control. However, the determination of IH has suffered variations in its thresh...

    Authors: Daniel Agustín Godoy, Sérgio Brasil, Corrado Iaccarino, Wellingson Paiva and Andres M. Rubiano
    Citation: Critical Care 2023 27:137