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Water and Pollution: A collection of CEE Evidence Syntheses

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This collection in Environmental Evidence features evidence syntheses, conducted to CEE standards, covering the complex interplay between water and pollution.

All manuscripts published in this collection met the journal’s standard editorial criteria for assessment, relevance, and peer review, and underwent the journal’s standard peer review process. They were handled by the journal Editors and Editor-in-Chief. 

  1. In Sweden there are nearly one million soil-based on-site wastewater treatment systems (OWTSs). OWTSs may contribute to eutrophication of surface waters, due to the discharge of phosphorus (P). Hence, in certa...

    Authors: Ida Envall, Fritjof Fagerlund, Lena Johansson Westholm, Arvid Bring, Magnus Land, Charlotte Ã…berg, Neal R. Haddaway and Jon Petter Gustafsson
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2023 12:6

    The Systematic Map Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2020 9:22

  2. Eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems resulting from nitrogen and phosphorus pollution is a major environmental stressor across the globe. In this systematic review, we compiled and synthesized literature on...

    Authors: Micah G. Bennett, Sylvia S. Lee, Kate A. Schofield, Caroline E. Ridley, Benjamin J. Washington and David A. Gibbs
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2021 10:23

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2017 6:18

  3. Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, and many other water bodies, is partly the result of point-source emissions of nutrients and carbon from wastewater. At the same time, nitrogen and phosphorus planetary bounda...

    Authors: Solveig L. Johannesdottir, Biljana Macura, Jennifer McConville, Dag Lorick, Neal R. Haddaway, Agnieszka Karczmarczyk, Filippa Ek, Mikołaj Piniewski, Marta Księżniak and Paweł Osuch
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2020 9:24

    The Systematic Map Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2019 8:1

  4. Eutrophication of aquatic environments is a major environmental problem in large parts of the world. In Europe, EU legislation (the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive), inter...

    Authors: Magnus Land, Wilhelm Granéli, Anders Grimvall, Carl Christian Hoffmann, William J. Mitsch, Karin S. Tonderski and Jos T. A. Verhoeven
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2016 5:9

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2013 2:16

  5. Agricultural activities are estimated to contribute 70% of nitrates, 28% of phosphates and 76% of sediments measured in UK rivers. Catchments dominated by agriculture also have elevated levels of pesticides an...

    Authors: Nicola P Randall, Louise M Donnison, Paul J Lewis and Katy L James
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2015 4:18

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2012 1:12

  6. In recent decades, many attempts have been made to restore eutrophic lakes through biomanipulation. Reducing the populations of planktivorous and benthivorous fish (either directly or through stocking of pisci...

    Authors: Claes Bernes, Stephen R Carpenter, Anna GÃ¥rdmark, Per Larsson, Lennart Persson, Christian Skov, James DM Speed and Ellen Van Donk
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2015 4:7

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2013 2:9

  7. Within developing countries, groundwater provides an alternative drinking source to polluted surface water. However, the presence of arsenic in some groundwater sources has resulted in chronic worldwide poison...

    Authors: Tracey Jones-Hughes, Jaime Peters, Rebecca Whear, Chris Cooper, Hywel Evans, Michael Depledge and Mark Pearson
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2013 2:11

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2011 1:1